Welcome to the California Children's Services (CCS) Provider Paneling Portal
Thank you for your interest in becoming a paneled California Children's Services (CCS) provider. Prior to applying as a CCS Program provider, your National Provider Identifier (NPI) number must be enrolled with Medi-Cal. Exception: Providers that work for a Federally Qualified Health Clinic (FQHC) or a Rural Health Clinic (RHC) are exempt from registering their NPI with Medi-Cal. They must use the facility's NPI where they are employed. Allied Health Professionals are not required to enroll their NPI with Medi-Cal in order to become a CCS Program provider. If an Allied Health Professional chooses to use their individual NPI, they must register it with Medi-Cal. Otherwise, they may use the facility's NPI where they are employed.
All providers required to be paneled must submit their paneling application through the CCS Panel Portal website. This website allows providers to submit their application and track the application status with a unique tracking number. It is not necessary for a provider to apply multiple times under the same specialty or subspecialty. Once paneled, a provider's paneling remains in effect regardless of what facility they are employed within California or bordering states. A provider may re-apply when adding a different specialty or subspecialty.
After submitting your application, a fax cover page will be generated showing the list of supporting documentation that must be submitted along with your online application (please ensure that pop-up blocker is disabled when submitting your application). Supporting documentation and any additional information that is needed to meet paneling requirements can be emailed to
ProviderPaneling@dhcs.ca.gov or faxed to (916) 440-5299.